
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Behind the Blogger.

1. My name is Chelsea.
2. I can lick my elbow.
3. I have a twin.
4. I have a strange love for George Clooney.
5. I paint my nails before every running race.
6. The theme song to my life is "Brick House" by the Commodores.
7. I have the most adorable Basset Hound named Marty.
8. I am probably one of the few people in the world that actually goes by portion size.
9. I am always probably one of the few people who gets the right amount of fruit and veggies daily.
10. I love roller coasters.
11. I want to travel to Australia...
12. and Ireland.
13. I am bucket list believer.
14. "Are you afraid of the Dark" is my favorite TV show from the 90's.
15. My favorite colors are lilac and sea foam green.

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